Jacaranda SDA Church welcomes you!!!

We welcome you to our website - whether you are a first time or repeat visitor. It is our prayer that you will Join our Church in worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and serving Him. Please use this to get information and follow our activities. We hope you can join us soon, if you have not done so yet. God bless!!!


Visiting our website or visiting our church we want you to feel part of the family. Please feel free to explore the different sections of this site and if you have any questions then it would be our delight for you to get in contact. The Jacaranda Adventist church is a family friendly church with services and activities for all the family.

Please see our events page for a full listing of activities. Our service times are shown below:


Every Saturday (Sabbath):
Sabbath School from 08:30 hrs
Main service from 10:45 hrs
Bible study from 15:30 hrs

Every Wednesday/Friday:
Vespers from 17: 30hrs




 Meet our church leaders

Our District Pastor


Name:Pastor George Mwansa

Email address:mwansageorge@yahoo.co.uk

Cell Number :0978- 695411

 Our serving Elders for the year 2013

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Name: Judah Hamwanza

Position: First   Church Elder

Email address: 

Cell Number: 0977  329789

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Name:Colly Muuyu

Position: Elder
Email address:
Cell Number: 0966 456033

Name:Nchimunya Moonde
Position: Elder
Email address: nmonde@yahoo.com

Cell Number: 0977 650979

Name: Charles Musale

Position: Elder

Email address: charlesmusale@yahoo.com

Cell Number:


 Name: Shepard Lwiindi

Position: Elder

Email address: 

Cell Number:  0977/0955 460589



Website Adminsitrators


Name:  Chimuka Mbewe
Position: Communication/Hope TV Coorinator Associate/Deconess
Email   address:chimukamizinga81@gmail.com

Cell Number: 0977 747685


 Name:  Frontier Mwale
 Position: Personal Ministries leader
 Email address: fcmwale@yahoo.com

 Cell Number: 0977  220785


 Name: Maureen Hatimba
 Position: Church Clerk
 Email address: maureenhatimba@yahoo.com

Cell Number:0977819245

Name: Derrick J. Muneene

Email address: djmuneene@hotmail.com 

Cell Number: (+260) 0977-120679

Name: Joe Phiri

Email address: phirijoe26@yahoo.com

Cell Number: (+260) 0979-419665